Responding to and managing the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
As you are well aware, we are currently dealing with a virus that had spread across the globe with almost 170,000 cases around the world. In addition to the actual health impact, there is a significant amount of stress, anxiety and public concern. As of writing, Victoria has been declared a state of emergency as health experts and political leaders work overtime to try and implement best practices to minimise the spread of COVID-19. This currently includes bans on mass gatherings of over 500 people as well as the closure of many public facilities. Schools and universities have begun to be impacted, with excursions and camps postponed, and classes shifting to online. Workplaces are becoming increasingly “work from home” or online. Those ill are encouraged to self-isolate and a number of other social distancing measures are already in place or likely soon will be.
The current situation has led to an incredible amount of panic buying with a large variety of everyday shopping items disappearing from the shelves as quickly as they are stocked. This has understandably led to a lot of angst and frustration as members of the community try to get their hands on toilet paper, sanitiser, pasta, flour, canned food and so on.
There is much uncertainty ahead as the world tries curtail the impact of COVID-19. For many people, this will mean ongoing stress, worry and apprehension about their health and that of their loved ones. In addition to health concerns, it may also mean financial concerns and logistical difficulties associated with self-isolating and social distancing (e.g. working from home). If schools close, this may place additional stress on the community as parents juggle work and family commitments.
Given the impact this is having on the community, it’s a good time to remember to practice kindness and compassion to others.
- Be kind to those working in supermarkets – they should not have to tolerate any form of abuse.
- Be kind to those working in health care settings – our health system is going to be stretched for the time being.
- Be kind to the elderly and those with underdeveloped or compromised immune systems – they are the ones at most risk.
- Be kind to children – there is a lot of unease in the community at the moment and they may not comprehend exactly why that is.
- And finally, be kind to yourself; it is hard to care for others if you do not care for yourself.
Remember, we are in this together.
About the Author:
Toby shares his time between the Strong Minds Psychology team, Swinburne University, and his family. He is passionate about providing individualised support, and empowering people to enhance their mental health. Toby provides counselling and therapy for children, adolescents, adults and couples – helping with depression, anxiety, self-esteem, relationship difficulties, grief & loss, and family conflict.
If you would like to discuss how the Strong Minds Psychology team can support your mental health needs call us on 03 5967 1438 or send an email to strongmindspsychteam@gmail.com